
Unopiù in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 24/2023 and with a view to ensuring fairness and transparency in the conduct of its business, has set up a computerised 'Whistleblowing' system, available to anyone wishing to report situations relevant to the law or internal regulations.





Reports must refer only to breaches of law or internal procedures and regulations, including the Code of Ethics, and therefore reports concerning complaints, personal requests or, more generally, irrelevant circumstances may not be taken into account. The field of application of the procedure does not include cases excluded from the Whistleblowing Legislative Decree, such as:


-complaints, claims or demands linked to a personal interest of the reporting person or of the person lodging a complaint with the judicial or accounting authorities that relate exclusively to his or her individual work or employment relationships, or inherent to his or her work or employment relationships with hierarchically superior persons.





In order to protect the 'reporter' and the 'reported' as much as possible, the necessary security measures have been taken:

Regardless of the choice made by the 'whistleblower' to provide a report anonymously or not, the confidentiality of the whistleblower's identity and the content of the report is guaranteed through secure protocols and encryption tools that allow any reported personal data and information to be protected. The identity of the whistle-blower is never disclosed without his or her consent, except in the cases provided by the legislation in force.

The competent body for the handling of reports is: UNOPIU’ WHISTLEBLOWING COMMITTEE.





1. Access the link:  https://areariservata.mygovernance.it/#!/WB/UNOPIU


2. Follow the instructions received in the e-mail containing the Unique Access Credentials

3. Log into your account with your credentials

4. Proceed by clicking the 'CREATE REPORT’ button

5. It will now be possible to proceed with the report


a) anonymously using the appropriate option:
b) or, in non-anonymous form, but in any case, with the guarantees of confidentiality as provided by law


6. Once the reporting method has been determined, the reporter will proceed by filling in the form. Fields marked with an * are mandatory. Some fields are open and must have a minimum number of characters.

A postal channel is available as well, so that the Whistleblowing Committee can be contacted by sending a letter to:

Comitato Whistleblowing, presso Unopiù spa, S.S. Ortana km. 14.500 – 01038 Soriano nel Cimino (VT)